Renjie Liao  

I am an Assistant Professor (since Jan. 2022) in ECE and CS (associated member) Departments at UBC. I am a Faculty Member at Vector Institute and a Canada CIFAR AI Chair.

I was a Visiting Faculty Researcher at Google Brain, working with Geoffrey Hinton and David Fleet. I received my PhD from UofT in 2021, advised by Richard Zemel and Raquel Urtasun. During my PhD, I also worked as a Senior Research Scientist at Uber ATG. I obtained my MPhil from CUHK, advised by Jiaya Jia, and my BEng from Beihang.

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"There is nothing as practical as a good theory." - Kurt Lewin
"The test of all knowledge is experiment." - Richard Feynman

Research Summary:

Last Updated: Jul. 13, 2024